Saturday, March 14, 2020

The eNotes Blog Summer Reading That DoesntSuck

Summer Reading That DoesntSuck Ah, summer time, the perfect opportunity to pick up a new book and enter a brand new or vaguely familiar world. Pool-side or park-side, a new book is a great way to fill your brightly lit evenings. Check out our thoughtfully curated suggestions below for some truly gratifying reads. For a Good Laugh:   Consider picking up any of David Sedaris’s books. Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls is his latest, and in many respects, his most mature book to date. With just enough snark to have his readers laughing out loud, Sedaris strikes a pleasant balance between pensive and perverse. His essay about taxidermy owls had us spraying coffee out of our noses. This book is guaranteed to produce both nostalgia and clarity when examining your own past. For the World Traveler: Summer is the perfect time to travel, but when you’re on a tight budget, sometimes an expensive trip to an exotic location just isnt in the cards. Instead of experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out), brush up on your geography of the world with DK’s World Atlas. With extensive information on every continent, and over 100,000 locations noted, you’ll be in the know by the time your next jet-set trip is here. For the Philosopher: Jack Kerouac’s classic On the Road is undeniably complex in nature. It seeks to be active rather than passive, and to participate in the world rather than merely observe  it. His off-beat narrative style and thought-provoking content brings the reader along for the journey of a lifetime. Provocative  and amusing, this book acts as an excellent segue into some of the more obscure teachings of the beatnik era. Do take this novel with a grain of salt though, there are many who have attempted to read On the Road with a feminist perspective who have been enormously disappointed. If you choose to take Kerouacs writing for what it is, an example of literature in a truly transitional point in American history, youll be deeply satisfied with his story. For the (Hopeless) Romantic: Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Lolita has oft been called the greatest love story ever told, and, it would seem, with good reason. The controversial novel embarks on a journey into the complex nature of love and empathy. Vladimir Nabokov marries gorgeous prose and disturbing characters in an effort to speak to the humanity in each of us. It would seem that Nabokov’s Humbert Humbert is both manipulative and manipulated, making him a difficult character to interpret. Readers are asked to identify with this murderer and pedophile in ways that are both surprising and effective. This novel is not for the faint of heart, but if you feel up to the task, it’ll be worth your time. For the Athlete: Born to Run by Christopher McDougall incorporates science, inspiration, and amazing athletic achievements into a truly astounding book that speaks to the heart of any exercise enthusiast. With an impressive synthesis of narration and cutting-edge science, this book offers a fresh perspective on ultra-athletes and the cultures that produce them. McDougall describes in great detail his experiences with the Tarahumara tribe, a legendary group of people who have perfected the art of running, allowing for the reader to have their understanding of the modern athlete transformed in unexpected ways. For the Science-Fiction Lover: 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson offers his readers a truly magnificent peek into a not-so distant future where planets and asteroids have been colonized. Robinson paints a profound picture of the impact of climate change on our world and discusses  issues surrounding artificial intelligence that leave readers more perplexed about the ethics of new technology than ever before. 2312 is an impressive piece of fiction that successfully evokes a sense of oneness within our universe- truly a joy to read and reflect on. Have you read any of these books? Would you be interested in writing your own review? If yes, leave a comment or shoot us an email. Happy reading!